The form is not accepting my phone number on the form. I have Input the following information.
It’s not accepting it.
Thank You
Jim M
The form is not accepting my phone number on the form. I have Input the following information.
It’s not accepting it.
Thank You
Jim M
Houston is calling? Try beginning +1832
Try: +18326239220
The US country code is 001; however, it is often shown as +1 when completing the form. I did it last summer.
If this is actually your phone number you might want to delete
Just did mine. +18326239220 is the correct answer.
Ok now I’m having issues putting in the departing airport. My choices are New York, Atlanta or Other. I need to put in Houston.
If I makes you feel any better, I did mine (not easily, but finally got it right - or what Italy thinks is right :-) and the only time I was asked for it was when I checked in for the flight to Milan. BTW Italy requires that passengers on inbound flights were N95 masks on the plane. I was told I wouldn't be allowed to board without one. It's also expected here in Italy - where I am since Friday. OTOH, they say a lot of restrictions are going to be lifted at the end of this month . . . so stay tuned.
Is your flight going directly to Italy from Houston?
I’m thinking no
Put in the airport that you are leaving USA from
It is a pain of a form. Hit other, then type in your city. Just finished and submitted mine!