You know, I do get the argument for the refuse left by uncaring (or just plain rude/ignorant) snackers, that would be very tempting for the zillion birds that frequent these urban areas. And I also understand it's not our country, to abide by their rules. And as a human being with any semblance of environmental awareness, geez, just pick up after yourself--this isn't an American pigsty.
I did say it was 'small potatoes' but that was taking into account the seemingly limited amount of money they designate for upkeep of all these historically wonderful jewels. Maybe the clamping down policy will no doubt result in fines targeted for the 'ugly (and messy) American'? I'll buy that train of thought wholeheartedly if those funds actually go towards upkeep. In a similar vein, I wonder where all those fines collected from Americans after the fact for ZTL violations go?
Finally, I'll admit that on a previous trip--I checked beforehand online and read that it was OK--we brought a panini, Cric Croc chips and water into Pompei, after reading that the one onsite snack bar could be overrun and didn't have a good selection of food. We picnicked on a stone bench outside one of the amphitheatres for 15 minutes, totally picked up after ourselves, leaving no carbon footprint, took our garbage with us & thought that it was a very cool thing to do, to sit and contemplate our surroundings during lunch and admittedly felt no archeological blasphemy at all.
Immediately, I was absolutely lambasted on the boards for doing this, doing something that was actually OK to do, posters throwing the ugly American phrase at me when I've done everything in my three trips not to become that kind of person, assimilating wherever & whenever I could because I love my ancestors' homeland so much. I felt it was duplicity of the highest order.