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Posted by
922 posts

"Take the girls. Leave the cannoli." LOL!!! And that little girl's Italian is fabulous! Thanks for the laugh. I've always enjoyed Rick's screwball sense of humor and his ability to make fun of himself.

Posted by
16235 posts

Parmesan cheese doesn't go on any seafood. It kills the more delicate seafood taste. I think whoever puts Parmesan cheese on seafood should be deported to England, where people have no taste buds, and stay there in voluntary food exile.

Posted by
1816 posts

Per favore! This is an Italian forum. The name of the cheese is Parmigiano. Parmesan is the French word.

Posted by
16235 posts

Se siamo in un foro italiano allora perche' insistiamo a scrivere in inglese? Da qui in avanti commenti solo in italiano per favore.

Posted by
791 posts

Well Mike, if you really want to get technical, it's Parmigiano-Reggiano... Go Bruins.

Posted by
7737 posts

Very cute. Love the girls. And I love the running joke about his last name. (How many times have we seen someone refer to "Rick Steve's guidebooks"?) I also like that the guy from Scotland Yard is Scottish, even though Scotland Yard is in London. I had been told that the biggest violation is mixing cheese with seafood, but apparently you don't put it on other dishes either, such as truffles. Frankly, I'm stumped why so many people feel the need to put parmigiano on everything. They're going to bring you the food the way it's supposed to be eaten, unless it's a restaurant that caters to tourists. This also reminds me of a funny story told to me by an Italian friend. He was at a restaurant in Torino for dinner where there was a table of tourists (either American or German). When the bread was brought to the table, they asked the waiter if they could have some butter. "If you come back for breakfast" was the reply!

Posted by
36 posts

I don't know about that, have you seen the other videos?

Posted by
3580 posts

If they wanted butter for their bread they must have been Americans. (I really don't know how Germans like to eat their bread.) Also, I learned recently that Americans typically don't know how to eat a bagette. We are used to having our bread sliced.

Posted by
922 posts

Che probabilmente mettere una rapida fine alla conversazione. (School-girl Italian) ;)

Posted by
7737 posts

Molto divertente, Roberto, ma che c'entra? Sappiamo di non esser italiani, ma in Italia ci piace far finta di esser un po' italiano. Cosi' evitiamo il fenomeno di fare un viaggio in una "bolla". In altre parole, "when in Rome..."

Posted by
1829 posts

"should be deported to England, where people have no taste buds," Second time in the last few days that I have seen you say this Roberto. Is it something we've said or done?

Posted by
12315 posts

Where did they find a hotel in Italy with enough linens to climb out the window?

Posted by
16235 posts

Nothing Linda. Britons have done nothing to me. But cooking is not Albion's forte. I guess Julius Caesar didn't have time to teach those skills. He had to rush home and cross the Rubicon. That Britons are not great cooks is corroborated by this famous Euro Joke: HEAVEN IS WHERE: The mechanics are German The policemen are English The cocks are French The lovers are Italian And everything in run by the Swiss. HELL IS WHERE: The mechanics are French The policemen are German The cooks are English The lovers are Swiss
And everything is run by the Italians.

Posted by
922 posts

Interesting typo in the 'Heaven is where...' section. ;-O

Posted by
922 posts

Hahahaha! Sorry, I write and edit a lot for a living. Things like that just 'pop' off the screen at me. LOL!!