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Domus Aurea tickets

So.... we are impatient planners who are waiting to buy Domus Aurea tickets for the first weekend in July. June tickets have been for sale for many weeks. Nothing so far for July. Does anyone have the inside scoop on when they might go on sale?

Posted by
11461 posts

No inside scoop, but maybe call the call center during Italian business hours and ask....

Posted by
16772 posts

It is possible they release them by the month, so maybe on May 1 you will see July? Try checking every day or two, but I would not fret unless May 1 passes and they still do not appear.

Posted by
328 posts

We thought the same thing with the beginning of April. We had watched all of March for the tickets and when we didn't see them come up for sale, were sure we would see them come up on April 1st. I guess we just need to practice our patience?

Posted by
664 posts

Yes and it will be well worth it! We were there on April 1st and it was a wonderful tour!

Posted by
15658 posts

I had the same thing, waiting for tickets for my visit in February.

Posted by
3812 posts

The Domus Aurea is an active archaeological site with real archaeologists working as tour guides (for free, I'd point out).

There is no way to know for sure when/if they'll open the bookings as it depends on how the new excavations are going on and on the number of archaeologists willing to volunteer on Saturdays instead of working underground.

The Domus Aurea project site (not the site to purchase tickets) has a news section in English. Check if they are going to start new excavations or new restorations in early July, that would be the scoop you're looking for: great news for them but a bad one for you!

Posted by
11613 posts

I tried to see the Domus Aurea for 30 years! For most of that time, it was never open. Then it would be open for a while, something would fall, it would be closed. I finally saw it last year - it is amazing and worth the wait for ticket availability (I almost never say that).

Posted by
4 posts

Hello Jeanine,

We are in the same boat as you, looking to visit that first weekend in July. I have been checking the ticketing site every day and still nothing posted for those dates. My husband and I toured the Domus Aurea many years ago and now want to take our sons to share the wonder. Have you figured anything out. Are they closing for July? Is it worth trying to purchase through one of those re-sellers? Last time we were there we simply lined up outside on the day of the tour and bought tickets. What are you planning?

All the best,

Posted by
3812 posts

Nobody can legally re-sell domus aurea tickets, please read my above post.

Posted by
328 posts

Hi Denise,
We searched the suggested website and it seems that there is no new work that will be starting. The last weekend in June still has a few tickets available. I guess the only thing we can do is to keep checking back for tickets. I will let you know if and when we see them available.

Posted by
4152 posts

If they are going to release tickets, which the site indicates they will, they should release them on the third or last Wednesday of the June.


Posted by
328 posts they release in cycles or something? June tickets have been up and available for a few months now.

Posted by
4 posts

I called the ticket office a few days ago and they had no answer as to when the tickets would be up on the website. They suggested checking frequently.

Posted by
7737 posts

Be sure to take a sweater or jacket with you, even in July. It's positively frigid down there. Quite a contrast with the Scavi underground tour under St. Peter's where it's a freakin' sauna. Go figure.

Enjoy. (^_^)

Posted by
4 posts

Hi Jeanine,

We are in Tuscany now and I just checked the ticketing site. There were openings for early next Saturday morning and a few different times on Sunday. I got ours for Saturday!!! I hope you are able to visit. Good luck!!!


Posted by
328 posts

Denise, we are also in Toscana (Siena) now. We got tickets for Saturday. Ours are for 16:00. Wouldn't it be funny to bump into each other in Roma? Hope you are keeping cool. The forecast sounds a little cooler for Roma, thank goodness. Have a great time!