Does anyone know if the Domus Aurea is open and if so, where to get tickets (if necessary). I have seen conflicting reports as to whether it is open or not on the internet and in tour books. Couldn't even find a reference to it in RS Italy book. Thanks Don
This is from their website: Opening hours:
Closed to the public for restoration and consolidation work. Website is:
Thanks Nancy! I appreciate the quick response. Don
I think that is a negative. Even though it is not open it is still a significant site, and should be noted that it is closed. I would prefer not to have someone else censor what they think I should know about. That is one major problem I have with RS books......many significant places are not even mentioned (Puglia, Basilicata, Sicily, Sardinia etc). I would prefer a more comprehensive guide book to help me decide where to go.
That's one of the nice things about the RS books. They're updated each year, so that's why you're not finding it there. It could be years before the Domus Aurea reopens, if ever.
The RS guides discussion will ensue sbortly, of this I am certain. Although I like a comprehensive guidebook, what RS does really well is give a sensitive and relevant history and conte t to the places he does write about - he doesn't pretend that Europe is Disneyworld; real people with real lives and problems live there.
If a guidebook listed all of the 'important' sites in Italy, open or not - especially not - you'd have trouble lifting it. Think of RS' books as having 'training wheels' on them - they get that first-timer to realize that even they can travel to Europe independently. His books aren't the end-all of sightseeing posibilities. Domus Aurea can be written off...for the near future, at least. Italy's having severe financial troubles, and before that there wasn't nearly enough money to dig/restore/stabilize sites. They find new sites, then rebury them until they can find the resources to fully excavate. Many outsiders from other countries have taken on these responsibilities and funded projects, but there is simply sooooo much in Italy that needs tending to. It's a shame that so many historical sites are in one country; it's a tremendous burden. I suggest spending a Saturday morning at a local bookstore, gathering several interesting-looking guidebooks on Italy, and sitting down with a beverage and flipping through them.