I am going to the Austrian Alps and the Dolomites in 2.5 weeks. On one hand, I am very excited. On the other, I am apprehensive about the weather forecast for recent days. It's basically rain and more rain. I don't even know if I need to abandon the Italian Alps and seek the sun further south (I will have a rental car). I understand that alpine weather changes all the time but I just can't get over this worry.
Also, how should I pack? Layers are key but how much fall/winter clothing do I need? Should I bring thin thermals in case of sudden harsh weather? I have my hiking boots ready and am water proofing them. At dinner time, I want to look "local" (i.e., smart casual attire) and am packing two pairs of slacks.
I live in CA and therefore don't have a good collection of clothing for colder temperatures. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.
Added after initial post: When you were in the Dolomites in early fall and had rainy forecasts, what really happened? I recall one time in Southeast Asia when Google's forecast predicted thunderstorms and rains, but it turned out to be ok. Hope this is also true for the Alps.