How much time should I allow to visit the Doges and not feel rushed? I have a guided Tour set up for Venice which includes a visit there but am wondering if I should do it on my own. I hate to feel rushed in a museum. Anyone know the entry fee? Any info would be appreciated.
The website is and you should find info there.
How long you tour would depend on what you want to see, it's a big museum. The website has a virtual tour, you might want to have a look at that to help you decide what you want to see.
It is quite a large museum, but you can walk over the Bridge of Sighs and look out onto the Grand Canal (imaging what is was like for the prisoners). You can then tour the prison. We took about 2 - 21/2 hours with the audio guide. But, we were 7 people and each had different interests. In the morning there was a long line, we waited till the late afternoon and sailed right in, wasn't crowded. You have to check the website, but I think we paid around 20€ per person with the audio guide.
Thanks for this info. It really helps alot in our planning.
We did the Secret Itineraries Tour and wound up walking around before it -- we made a bit of a mistake in that we didn't realize how big it was and felt pretty rushed through it to make our tour time. We got through it all in about 40 min. (no audio guide) but I think we probably would've like another 30 min or so, but bear in mind, that we don't read everything and don't sit down to absorb (in case you might do it differently).