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Doge's Palace - Venice

I was planning to take the Secret Itinerary Tour, but it doesn't cross the Bridge of Sighs. I can walk through the Palace and cross the Bridge after the tour but concerned that the crowds will be huge! If anyone has taken the Secret Itinerary Tour, what were your impressions? Is it worthwhile? Did you tour the Palace on your own after? How to maneuver through the crowd?

thank you,

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1230 posts

I've taken the Secret Itinerary tour twice, once in early spring, once in November (with different traveling partners, who each wanted to do it). Each time we went fairly early, when the Palace opened, and took the first (English language) tour of the day. Yes, you cross over the Bridge of Sighs and into the prisons on your own, later. However, I have no recollection of crowds at all. We could stop on the Bridge and look out into the city easily, going and coming. I also did not feel that the Palace was particularly crowded either time. What time of year will you be traveling?

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35 posts

Thank you for your very prompt response!

I am traveling in May and planned to take the first (9:55 am) tour. The tour is an hour and a quarter and will finish around 11:15. I wasn't sure how crowded the Palace would be at that time, but thought it would be crowded with tour groups from outside Venice. Perhaps my thought is inaccurate!

BTW, if you took the tour twice, it must be worthwhile or you're a very dedicated tour companion to take it twice!


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1230 posts

I love history, architecture, and attempting to understand the interplay between religion, politics, and popular culture. All of these are on display in various ways at the Doge's Palace. I may well go again, some day!

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35 posts

Sounds as though the tour is VERY worthwhile - convinces me to make a reservation and let the chips fall where they may for touring the Palace on my own after the tour. Thank you for taking time to reply (twice!)


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809 posts

Yes, the Secret Itinerary Tour does cross the Bridge of Sighs and also includes admission to the rest of the palace after the tour. We went fairly early in the morning (May 2017) and crowds in the palace afterward weren't terrible. By the time we left the palace, though, the whole surrounding area was pretty much wall-to-wall.

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35 posts

I always take Rick's advice and go to a primary destination early in the morning or late afternoon.
Useful to know you went in May and Palace wasn't mobbed after you completed the tour. Next step is to book the tour!
Thank you for your post.

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360 posts

We did the main Doge's Palace tour on our own before the Secret Itinerary tour in the morning, so it wasn't terribly crowded (and we bypassed the main ticket line). We thought the Secret tour was worthwhile to see the extra areas and to get the history/context that we would not have ordinarily had.

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35 posts


Interesting idea - visit Palace on my own first, then take Secret Itinerary. Touring on my own when Palace opens would mitigate the crowds and since the Secret Itinerary Tour is limited - seems like a better approach. Thank you for you comment.


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606 posts

As others have stated, you will cross the Bridge of Sighs on the Secret Itinerary Tour. I took it several years ago, and if I remember correctly, the Bridge of Sighs is only accessible via this tour, so I'm not sure you have to be concerned about crowds there. Other posters will correct me if my recollection is incorrect. I will say, however, that you should be sure to carry a water bottle with you, as it was very hot in this part of the Palace. Have a great time!

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809 posts

Christine is correct. Some of the upper areas on the Secret tour will be very hot in May. In one chamber, the guide told us that, even in the palace's heyday, that area was almost unusable in summer.

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35 posts

Thanks to Christine and stoutfella for the advice about taking drinking water. I typically carry a small backpack, but Rick's guide indicates only small bags or purses are allowed in the Palace. I'll need to carry water in a fanny pack or some carrying device so I can have both hands free to photograph.

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114 posts

I just booked this tour yesterday for our April visit and thought for sure the Bridge of Sighs crossing was included. Bummer if it’s not. If we find out it’s not, we will tour on our own first because we booked the latest morning time thinking we could fit some other stuff in before our time slot.

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35 posts

The webpage that describes the tour (there's also a pdf to download on the same webpage) doesn't mention the Bridge of Sighs. You can check:

It's possible that the descriptions may not mention the Bridge, but the Bridge seems that it would be a "highlight" to mention. In any case, the tour ticket allows the holder to tour on their own after the S.I. tour.


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150 posts

The tour does not include the new prison and the Bridge of Sighs. But you can explore there on your own, it is already included in the ticket.

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35 posts

Well this post has certainly drawn a great deal of input! Thanks to all!

Perhaps TravelIsFun who is taking tour in April can post after the tour. I'm traveling in May and will post after my visit.