Italy Declares Coronavirus Emergency and will last six months. We have planned a trip to Italy from Canada in May to June. Booked flights and hotels. What does a state of emergency in Italy means to the people who will visiting Italy? Will it affect to our trip?
Only if you fly there from China.
If you're not coming from China, nor have visited China in the previous 2 weeks, all clear, relax, stop worrying, and enjoy your trip. Take common sense measures as you should anytime during flu season: wash your hands frequently, don't touch your face constantly, cough into your elbow (or someplace else other than another person's face), get good rest, eat healthy. Do all the things your momma told you to do (and don't do the things she told you not to do). Stay out of Wuhan. That covers it. Worry about other things and go have a gelato.
Thanks David for the information!
The most reliable up to date comprehensive information can be found from the CDC.
Effective today all passengers arriving on international flights will be subject to thermo-scanner to measure fever. We don’t know about May or June.
Thanks for asking! I appreciate it. I don't do enough international travel and so I had the same question. I arrive in Italy first week in March
No problem.
Really appreciate the people who helping us with the question!!
My family also has booked, nonrefundable air and hotel plans for Italy in early June. Right now it looks like they are screening everyone flying into the country for fever:
I will be keeping an eye on the US dept of state website for travel advisories for Italy.
I'm honestly not worried about not being permitted into the country. The coronavirus in general is a concern given Roman crowds of visitors from all over the planet. But with a virus that's only existed in humans for a couple months, it's way too early to tell what things will look like 4 months from now.
Thanks Richard for the infor.
Thank you all for the information and links to updates. For us, this is our first time traveling out of the country and are headed to Rome in May.
The COVID19 health situation is fluid. Latest US State Department alert of Feb 23:
Hi all,
We have posted our response to the evolving situation here: