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Do we need a car in Bormio??

We are spending a week in Bormio with the kids so that my husband can do all the cycling climbs nearby. Is it nice to have a rental car in Bormio, or is everything so close together that it is unnecessary? If that is the case maybe we would just train to Tirana and take a taxi from there to Bormio?


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You need a car in Bormio. It is a small village surrounded by mountains. Many attractions (such as the Stelvio summit) are a dozen km away from the town center. If your husband is climbing the famous mountain passes on bikes, I seriously recommend you rent a station-wagon so that you can rescue he and his back, if need be.

If he's going for the passes, I assume he is already familiar with mountain road cycling in Europe, right? There are no bike lanes in most parts of these roads, and cyclists share the road with drivers on tight hairpins that might get slippery. There are some short unlit tunnels cyclists must navigate. As a car driver, is just takes caution. For a cyclist, if I were to do it, I'd be terrified.