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Do I need a visa for Italy?

We're set for our trip at the end of September, but someone asked me if I'll need a visa and I have no idea. I'm not using a travel agent so I don't know-I thought a passport was enough?

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206 posts

Yes, a passport is sufficient. We'll be there at the same time you will be. :-) Have fun!

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805 posts

You don't need a VISA for visits up to 90 days as a US Citizen.

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7866 posts

Well, to be exact, each country has there own rules regarding entry for different countries. Most European countries entered into the Schengen Treaty which essentially treats the block of countries as one regarding foriegn visitors and workers. For Schengen countries, you still have a visa, but it is issued essentially by arrival with a valid US passport (Canadians, Aussies, and others have similar priveledges, many do not) It is good for 90 days of visit in a 180 day period. England, Ireland, and maybe still the Swiss, are non-Schengen as are some Eastern European countries, most require no separate visa and give you 90 days as well, separate from the Schengen 90 days. Turkey is the only "European" country that requires a separate visa, one you pay for as you enter. Russia requires a rather clunky process to get one as well.

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100 posts

Thanks, as always for your responses - much appreciated.