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Distances from Umbria to Tuscany & Umbrian sights

We are renting a villa in Umbria (Pietralunga - north of Umbertide). I have 2 questions: is it reasonable to think of driving from our location to Siena and/or Montalcino, Chianti area in a day?
Any suggestions for what to see in Umbria or LeMarche if we decide not to drive into Tuscany all the time? Thanks!

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3112 posts

I stayed in Assisi last year and drove from there to my next overnight stop in Montalcino. I detoured to Cortona on the way, but think the drive would have been about 2.5 hours if I'd gone straight there. Pietralunga is a bit further from Perugia than Assisi, so driving time could be slightly longer. I found my GPS to be invaluable and would recommend using one. If you decide to stay in the area, there are many great places to visit. Gubbio, Assisi, Urbino, Cortona and Arezzo would all be good choices. There are also many charming small hill towns near Assisi. If you're there on May 15, there a great 700 year old festival in Gubbio called Festa dei Ceri that's well worth attending.

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186 posts

Spello, quite close to Assisi, is a jewel of a hilltown. Todi and Deruta are a bit farther south and are also interesting

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907 posts

It is 100 miles to Siena which might make a long day but is doable. I liked Spoleto. Ceramics in Deruta. Very popular hill town of Todi. Perugia is a college town. Cortona to see Brama Sole (Under the Tuscan Sun), no big deal but a cute hill town.