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Disposable prepaid cell phones at the Rome Airport

My wife and I are traveling to Italy and do not have phones that work over there. We will be there for 2 weeks. Our provider will upgrade us to a Blackberry but we would not really have use for all the features once we returned and the cost is high. They told us to get a disposable cell phone in Rome at the airport. We have seen disposables for about $39 with a $20 shipping charge here in the States. Has anyone purchased a cell phone at an airport in Europe? What kind of costs are involved? Thanks.

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1018 posts

This past summer I used my Verizon World Edition phone in Italy with Verizon's $4.99 package. Next year I am going to buy an unlocked gsm quad band phone from ebay and buy a sim card in Italy. It is cheaper and easier. My Verizon phone took 5 days to interface with the Italian system.

Buon viaggio,


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8 posts

Thanks Steve and RB. This has been a big help. We'll also check out what is available after we get there.

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1005 posts

Was in Italy in July and it is very easy to purchase a SIM Card. Had a cell phone we had purchased in Italy on our trip in 2007. Price per minute: within Italy .16 Euro, to the states .50 Euro and all incoming calls free regardless of where they originate.

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2 posts

As long as you have a tri-band phone (minimum). Find the local TIM dealer and switch out the SIM card. It comes loaded with 5 euros...each text is .04 and you do get charged 2-3 euros/week for the pre-paid plan. 20 euros gets me through 2 weeks, but I do a lot of calling/texting.