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Disability certification

We are looking at doing a golf cart tour in Rome. There are 3 of us, and one of my party has issues with balance and walks with a cane. The proper medical diagnosis would be "ataxia", and that is what her medical record states. The tour company said that for certain parts of the Vatican or the Colosseum a physician's note is required stating a certified disability. I was wondering if there is more required other than her doctor writing a letter saying that she has ataxia and therefore cannot ambulate well. The wording "certified disability" has me concerned. Has anyone encountered a similar issue? Thanks.

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377 posts

My husband is blind and has a guide dog. We had a special blind tour at the Vatican. He showed his ID card from the guide dog school and that was sufficient. Do you have a handicap placard? The ID for that would show a government agency determined you are disabled. Just a thought.

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2088 posts

I travel with both my disability placard and state disability card. Sound like the company is warning you that parts nof the tour has standing. I also travel with a walker for balance and sitting as needed. I hear the canes with seats help many.