My sister and I are going to Florence next week. Have booked a tour to Cinque Terre, and need to get from our hotel in Via Guelfa to the Piazza della Repubblica. What would be the easiest way to get there?
It is a minivan tour and the meeting point is directly outside the Cafe Paskowski in Piazza Repubblica
"It is a minivan tour and the meeting point is directly outside the Cafe Paskowski in Piazza Repubblica"
Sounds good - there is a taxi stand there:
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Google Maps will help. Click on "get directions" and select "walking" on the drop down part. Looks like about a 10 minute walk.
Seems like a strange pick up point - is it a private tour in a car or minivan or something? Where in the piazza are you supposed to meet?
The easiest and simplest way would be to ask the front desk at your hotel to draw the route on the free map that all hotels have for their clients.
Many grazies to all who gave me their were a great help.