Okay, I am confused.... Is there a vaporetto that goes "directly" to Burano, from Venice...one that does not go to Murano first? I know the #12 will take you back to Fondamente Nove. Please advise, thank you!! Karen
I don't think there is a direct route - or at least we could not figure it out when we were there recently.
Others might have better information.
I don't believe so. If you check the schedule, it seems all vaporetti stop at Murano first. We did this a few years ago without any difficulty at all. Here is a link, then click on 'apri' to open a .pdf file of the #12 vaporetto: http://actv.avmspa.it/en/content/orari-servizio-di-navigazione-0
Buon viaggio!
When we went this summer we stopped and saw Murano and then boarded a boat to Burano. We all agreed that Burano was much better than Murano. I am not sure there is a direct boat.
If you take the 12 to Burano it does stop at Murano (and two or three other places that are on the way) but you don't have to get off at Murano. But, no, there's no express vaporetto to Burano. Is that what you meant?
We've traveled to Burano twice from Venice and we always stopped a few places prior to arriving at the destination. The first time was in August 2008 and this island was a sleepy, backchannel island with very few tourists. We returned in 2012 and found the island had been "discovered." It was still an interesting place to see on both occasions.
Buon Viaggio,