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Direct trains from Milan to Stresa?

I keep reading there are numerous direct trains from Milan to Stresa, which is important to me as we’ll have our luggage in tow. Looking for Friday, September 1st. All I see on the websites I’ve checked involve two or three changes. Anyone know what site I should be looking on?

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23693 posts

You are correct. No direct train to Strese. Most involve two changes, There are direct buses - 2 hrs - at 9.43, 15.43, and 16.43. Take the bus -- good option.

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2393 posts

There are several EC direct trains as well as regionale...check the Eurail website. The problem may be they are all booked for your date. I did find 2 seats on Italiarail but they won't be there long

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191 posts

It is odd. I read several places there are as many as 30 direct trains, and was expecting to see the express trains mentioned in a reply above, but darned if I can find them.

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5399 posts

When there is track work, a bus will often replace the train--it could be something like that, and that would explain why the results are different on different days.

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16297 posts

No, it is not possible that all trains are booked. Most of the trains on that line are regional trains which are not reserved.

There must be something going on because there are plenty of direct trains after September 11 (as there usually are), but before that date I see that between Sesto Calende and Arona (two intermediate stops in the Milan-Domodossola railway) the train service is replaced by a bus. My suspicion is that there must be some track work going on between Sesto Calende and Arona until Sept 10.

EDIT: Found the explanation on the Ferrovie Info website:
Linea Milano – Domodossola [...] Interruzione della tratta Sesto Calende - Arona dal 21 agosto al 10 settembre per attività di manutenzione straordinaria alla struttura della travata metallica Sesto Calende. (Milan – Domodossola Line [...] Interruption of the Sesto Calende - Arona section from 21 August to 10 September due to extraordinary maintenance activities on the metal girder structure of Sesto Calende.)

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16679 posts

It's not just that date. All days from tomorrow through the first week of September are only showing busses.

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191 posts

You all are the BEST! I thought I just couldn’t make the train websites work right. The track work explanation makes perfect sense. We’ll have several days in Milan to sort this out, but probably a bus straight thru will be our best option. Thanks for all your assistance!

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1658 posts

Are you flying into Milan MXP then going direct to Stresa? Or are you spending a night or two in Milan?

Two options- if flying in and going direct to stresa, there is bus that picks up at the airport, then stops in stressa.
alibus MXP to Stresa

Or there is a bus that goes directly from Milan up the west of Maggiore to Intra. The Milan stop is no where near where you would probably stay, but you could get a taxi from your Milan hotel to the bus stop. Easier than train/bus/train option.
Here’s link to schedule
SAF schedule

Here’s SAF website
SAF website

Posted by
191 posts

Thanks. We are staying in Milan a few nights, then on to Stresa. A direct bus should be our best option. Thanks!