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Digital Passenger Locator Form for multi-country travel (France and Italy)

We are departing soon from the U.S. for France where we'll spend a few weeks before flying from Nice to Florence via Paris. In completing the dPLF I'm not clear whether I should complete a form for travel from the U.S. to Paris and a separate form for France to Italy, or whether this should be completed as one form with the final destination being Italy.

Also, if our travel involves multiple flights my assumption is we include each leg not just the leg that has us arriving in the destination country.

Appreciate specific guidance on this.

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Pretty sure you need 2 separate forms, especially since these 2 trips are separated by few weeks
One for entry to France (if still required by France- of that I am not sure)
One for flight from France to Italy.

The purpose of the form is to have your contact info in case you are exposed inflight so the first to France won't work for your entry to Italy. If you were just changing planes in Paris then going on to Italy- then yes I guess one is all you woudl need.