A few years ago we went to Venice on a day trip. Within a couple of hours my husband developed a bad headache and was throwing up because of the strong smell of diesel fumes. We're planning to go back in the fall but I'm afraid the same thing will happen. Has anyone else experienced this? Any suggestions how to avoid this?
I can't say I have noticed diesel fumes in Venice except occasionaly when on the vaporetti. As there is no vehicular traffic in Venice the diesel fumes are coming from the Vaporetti and other boats - so no way to avoid the smell. Perhaps a hotel on Guidecca Island (eg the Hilton) or Fundamenta Nuove - the fumes would have more room to dissipate at both locations. Or stay out at the Lido - lots of hotels facing the sea there. Only problem - only reachable by boat! And while you could go into the city to explore, your husband would be left on the beach or in the hotel......not much fun for either of you. Are you sure it was the diesel that caused the problem? There is a lot of mold and damp in Venice due to its age and structure and also, if the wind is blowing in the right (or wrong direction) pollution from the chemical factories on the mainland are blown on to the island. Good luck!
If it were me I'd just load up on the acetominophen before arrival. It may have had nothing to do with the fumes, or Venice, but why take the chance of losing time to sickness? (I had the same experience in Edinburgh; I put it down to extreme fatigue).
"Day Trip"...so where did you travel FROM and what was your mode of transportation?
You're right Andrea. It could have been something he ate but he kept commenting on how strong he found the smell there. Tim, last time we were there for a day on a 2 week bus tour, well rested.
I did not notice any fuel smell, and if I did, I did not phase me or maybe it was a fuel smell that is appropriate for boats. I know how it feels to be queasy to begin with and then be even more affected by smells. I had a vertigo spell in Germany and when my husband came into the room after a smoke and tried to comfort me, I violently threw up. And then my vertigo went away....a blessing in disguise, the cig smoke.