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Decent limoncello you can buy in the states

I’d love to serve limoncello at an Italian dinner I’m hosting. Can anyone recommend one I can buy in Seattle that is good, but not too expensive? I’d love to serve at the end of the meal.

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23746 posts

Any liqueur store. It is on the shelf with a variety of prices.

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1662 posts



Caravella Limoncello (flavors) are sold in a lot of liquor stores. I've had it before. It is very good.

Adding: Do you have Trader Joe's or Whole Foods near you in Seattle? They, or stores like them, sometimes have a decent selection of wines, liquors that you won't find in an ordinary store.

Posted by
308 posts

Limoncè is a more famous brand of Limoncello in Italy, I don’t know if it’s sold in the states. Truth be told, most Italians prefer to make it at home or buy handmade limoncello from a local shop.

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16414 posts

Check at Trader Joe’s and also Total Wine and More, both should be in the Seattle area. Also BevMo might have stores in your city.
Some decent brands sold at the aforementioned stores are:
Villa Massa
Limoncello di Capri

Like with wine, it’s also a matter of personal taste. I find the above all decent. There are brands I’ve drunk in the past that I found too sweet for my taste. Give it a try.

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1831 posts

It's not magic. I've made quite a decent version from a recipe similar to the above - and by adjusting the sugar level you can match your personal preferences. You'll need unwaxed lemons, and straight ethanol or similar.

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341 posts

I agree with Mike, we cut the sugar level and use half 100 proof vodka and half pure grain alcohol. I also find that adding a bit of orange rind along with the lemon rind gives it a really nice flavor. We soak our rinds for 60 days.

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2162 posts

Thank you all. The dinner is next week, so I don’t have time to make any, but I’ll definitely keep the recipe and tips.

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7196 posts

Thanks, but I’m looking for specific brands.

Unless I'm just not seeing it you don't mention which brands. If you're adventurous there are several distilleries in Seattle that make limoncello that get good reviews and it's always nice to find good things made locally. Try Letterpress Distilling or Valley Shine Distillery (they've won awards for their limoncello).

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1140 posts

I’ve had several versions of people’s versions of limoncello. For me the key is making sure it’s made with Amalfi Coast lemons. They have the amazing flavor I want in a limoncello. Otherwise, it could be a cough drop for all I care. 😂😂

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2709 posts

Try Cost Plus World Market. I've seen some there.

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2162 posts

Nancy, Off to try Letterpress Distilling limoncello now. They have a tasting on Saturdays and Sundays!

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2510 posts

hey becky
haha wished i lived near you, i'd be sitting in the back seat to go tasting!
years ago my first trip to rome, walked around the pantheon area and wine shops open for tasting. i went in of course, never heard of limonciello, i think i tasted every bottle on the shelf it was sooooooooo good. bought there and at campo de fiori, heavy luggage and we were just beginning our trip. stayed 5 nights then a 17 day transatlantic cruise to florida. now my friend's brother has a lemon tree and she makes her own and i'm on the gift list. yeah enjoy the tasting

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7196 posts

Becky, enjoy the tasting and report back on how the limoncello is at Letterpress. It'll give me another place to visit the next time I get to Seattle.

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535 posts

We enjoy limoncello from Trader Joe's. Looking forward to hearing about the Seattle-made brand!

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2162 posts

The limoncello at Letterpress Distillery is excellent. It was fun to see where it’s made and meet the distiller, Skip. He was very interested that heard of him through this forum. It’s made with honey and is not too sweet. It’s well worth it try to track down, or better yet go visit. He also makes amaro and a digestive made with blood oranges.

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1769 posts

Trader Grotto is, I believe, the Trader Joe's brand. I have some of that, but prefer Pellegrino, which is a Sicilian brand. I'm in Seattle and these are both available locally.

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7196 posts

Thanks for the report Becky. I'm putting them on my list for next time I visit Seattle.

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1769 posts

For what it's worth, Lemoncello ice cubes are nice with sparkling water.

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3961 posts

Becky, and other fans of Limoncello, check out the locations to purchase Letterpress Distilling brand- WA., CA., Illinois. Although it would be fun to visit the distillery in So. Seattle, I found locations closer to home! A number of years ago our Italy Tour group had a reunion. We celebrated with a Limoncello tasting. I also made a "Lemon Jello" cake for dessert.