My wife and I will be in Italy at the beginning of May. For our return trip, we will be departing from FCO on our way back to the US. I wear an insulin pump to control my type 1 diabetes. My pump manufacturer states that wearers of their pumps should never allow the device to go through a x-ray or wave scanner. The only device that they say can be used would be a walk-through metal detector (WTMD) or a hand wand.
When I travel in the US, I always opt-out of the scanners and get a pat-down by the TSA agents. Invariably, this always happens after I insist upon it when the TSA agent insists that the scanners are safe for me to use. On;y after I provide the written documentation from my pump manufacturer that is is not recommended, do they relent and call someone over to pat me down.
Does anyone have experience or advice regarding going through security at FCO? Will I be able to opt-out from being scanned?
Thanks for any assistance.