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Dealing with security at FCO while wearing an insulin pump

My wife and I will be in Italy at the beginning of May. For our return trip, we will be departing from FCO on our way back to the US. I wear an insulin pump to control my type 1 diabetes. My pump manufacturer states that wearers of their pumps should never allow the device to go through a x-ray or wave scanner. The only device that they say can be used would be a walk-through metal detector (WTMD) or a hand wand.

When I travel in the US, I always opt-out of the scanners and get a pat-down by the TSA agents. Invariably, this always happens after I insist upon it when the TSA agent insists that the scanners are safe for me to use. On;y after I provide the written documentation from my pump manufacturer that is is not recommended, do they relent and call someone over to pat me down.

Does anyone have experience or advice regarding going through security at FCO? Will I be able to opt-out from being scanned?

Thanks for any assistance.

Posted by
1127 posts

If my memory is correct FCO has WTMD. Use Google the translate the documentation that you need a pat down.

Posted by
8373 posts

I too have an insulin pump. It's nothing out of the ordinary for travelers today to have them.

If you run up on an Xray machine and the security workers refuse to manually process you with a hand wand, go to Plan B.
Cut off the pump, remove it and have it sent through a tray like you would send through your car keys.

It's just no big deal.

Posted by
707 posts

My wife also wears an insulin pump. Her device doesn't have such directions and we're not sure how x-ray or wave scanner would damage one. Maybe questioning the manufacturer is in order.

When the TSA first arrived she tried to be proactive and show the agent the pump or at least tell them about it. They all freaked out and insisted on special treatment--wands, pat downs, etc. Now she suspends the pump and removes it just before going through security, and places the pump in her bag/purse which goes through the scanner. After security she immediately heads to a restroom to reconnect the pump. This process has saved a lot of aggravation. We went through FCO last October without incident.

I know this doesn't specifically answer your question, but I want to encourage you about traveling with your device. Have a great trip.

Posted by
3 posts

Thanks to everyone for their replies. But, I need to add something in the event that this thread shows up on a search by someone else since there is some very bad advice provided above if you have a Medtronic insulin pump.

To be clear, you should NEVER send your pump through the baggage scanner at security. All of those scanners use x-ray and that is the what you need to avoid. Plus, I would never allow my pump to be disconnected and out of my site. Ever. The official guidance from Medtronic:

"This device can withstand exposure to common electrostatic (ESD) and electromagnetic interference (EMI), including common security systems such as an airport metal detector. During exposure, it can remain connected and powered on.

Medtronic has conducted official testing on the effects of the full body scanners at airports with Medtronic medical devices. Some of the new scanners may include x-ray. To avoid removing your devices, you may request an alternative screening process. If you choose to go through a full body scanner, you must remove your insulin pump and CGM (sensor and transmitter). Do not send your devices through the x-ray machine as an alternative."

This is why my original post was in regard to opting-out of being scanned.

Posted by
707 posts

I feel compelled to respond.

First, I did not give advice; I related our experience. Its up to you what you do with it.

Second, you, Paul, did not mention a brand name until your second post. Different pump manufacturers have different recommendations for their devices.

Finally, have a good trip to Italy.

Posted by
306 posts

I don't want to pour lemon juice in anyone's paper cut (two points extra credit if you remember what movie that line is from; four points if you remember the character who said it; all six points if you even remember who played that character; but I digress...),

I have a Medtronic pump. I always tell the screeners I'm wearing it. I never take it off. I always go through whichever gizmo they send me through (there are two at Greenville SC's airport and they NEVER do it the same way twice even though lately I've been on the TSA prescreen list!) and I'm still alive. I.e., the pump continues to work perfectly, at least as far as airport screening is concerned! TSA always swipes my hands (apparently they think insulin is explosive!?) but beyond that it's a complete no-never-mind. So much for being on their prescreen list!

Posted by
792 posts

If you go to the Fiumicino homepage and scroll to the bottom, you can click on a link to ask a question. And I suspect Medtronic has an Italian clientele. If you contact the company, they may be able to provide you with an Italian version of the instructions that say not to xray.

Posted by
7196 posts

@Tom - it's from Princess Bride, Billy Crystal as Miracle Max. What can I do with my 6 points? lol

Posted by
306 posts


I KNEW someone would know! I wish I had a good idea for what to do with your 6 points!