I deal with interstitial cystitis (a bladder condition). Thankfully my case is pretty mild. However there are some foods/drinks I just can't have and many others I have to limit. Thinking ahead to our trip next year and figuring out how to deal with food and restrooms.
Food/Drink. Things that are absolute no no's for me are coffee, tea, and spicy hot food. I'm trying to learn the phrases for spicy foods. The drinks shouldn't be an issue. One other concern is vinegar. I love it, but it doesn't love me. I can eat it in very small amounts but my concern is salad dressing. I'm reading in Italy that for salad dressing they use olive oil and balsamic vinegar. It's best for me if I can use mostly oil with the tiniest bit of vinegar. Are they already mixed together when served or are they in separate containers?
As far as restrooms are they usually pretty available? Do they have them on the trains? Anything in particular I should be warned about?