Is it practical to expect to see enough of Trieste on a day trip from Venice. Will be 70 so not as limber as a few years ago
It's a two-hour trip on a direct Regionale Veloce train. Even with the relative late 9.41 train, you'll be there before 12.00. The train station is a 15-minute walk from the Canal Grande, from where all the splendour of its heyday as an Austrian port is nearby. You can have an early dinner in Trieste, before taking the 19.15 or 20.15 back to Venice.
I recently visited it - a long-standing wish of my beloved one - and I found it meeting all expectations.
I spent an afternoon and night in Trieste, planning to go back in 2018. Very nice city, not totally dependent on tourism, so there is real life going on there.
Trieste is also very flat and very pedestrian friendly. We really enjoyed it.