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Day trip to Florence from Siena

We are a group of 4 staying near Siena in early October and would like to do a day trip to Florence. We will have a car but do not care to drive in Florence. Would like suggestions/opinions on taking the train vs bus. Also, would appreciate suggestions of what to see and do. Thank you!

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11499 posts

A priority for Florence is visiting Michelangelo’s “ David.” It is one of the most beautiful works of art that exists.

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250 posts

When you say "we are staying near Siena" that is a pretty big area. If you have to drive to get to Siena, I suggest the train as your best option. The travel time to Florence is longer but there is a (inexpensive) public parking lot also the street from the station.

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38 posts

If driving to Siena then taking a bus/train sounds like too much of a hassle then you could also explore driving to a park and ride lot on the outskirts of Florence and taking the tram in. Rick's book recommends the Villa Costanza lot at the end of the T1 tram line.

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15826 posts

Near Siena where?
If you are not in the city itself and you have a car, the best option is probably to drive on the freeway to the Villa Costanza parking (at least 1 hr drive depending on where you drive from) which has its own exit on the A1 freeway, and from there take the light rail T1 for the 20+ minutes trolley ride. There are parking lots closer to the city center, but considering the time it takes to drive to those from the freeway, Villa Costanza + tramway is overall more efficient as the light rail has its own dedicated tracks and is not affected by traffic much.