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Day trip from Verona to Ravenna?

I hear Ravenna is a great place to visit. Would it be worth our time as a day trip from Verona? Looks like a 2 1/4 hour drive by car..maybe stop in Bologna for lunch too?? I suppose it needs a night, but would it be doable?

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275 posts

It is doable as a day trip, though it sounds like it will take 4 1/2 travel time for the return trip for you. When I was there it took me about a day and a half to see all the sights, and I did not even go to nearby Classe because the church there was under renovation (this was in 2006). So I think an overnight stay is worthwhile.

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1005 posts

In 2007 we were only in Ravenna for 3-4 hrs on a stop while driving from northern Italy to Assisi and felt we saw quite abit. We saw the amazing mosaics in the Basilica di San Vitale and the nearby Mausoleum of Galla Placidia. From here it is an easy walk to the Basilica di Sant'Apollinare Nuovo taking you through Piazza del Popolo. We took a quick look at the Basilica di San Francesco and Dante's tomb and were on our way. I personally think it is a little far to drive for a day trip and stopping in Bologna for lunch will take awhile so you could consider spending the day in Bologna and saving Ravenna for another trip. While we were staying near Verona we enjoyed a daytrip to Mantova/Mantua located on the Mincio River as it is lovely and very untouristy. We also enjoyed stopping in Borghetto/Valeggio sul Mincio on the suggestion of the gal that ran the agriturismo we were staying at. Buon Viaggio!!

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1976 posts

It's a doable daytrip if you don't stop in Bologna. I was only there for a day and think it warrants a night because there's so much to see. Between Ravenna and Bologna, I would choose Ravenna in an instant.