I'm thinking about going to Italy for my honeymoon but have a significant dairy allergy. I can't eat milk, yogurt or cheese without getting sick. Anyone know what my options are? I've read that Italians are aware of gluten intolerances but is that true for dairy as well? Thanks!
It should be quite easy to avoid dairy. Southern Italy will be easier than northern Italy as northern Italian food uses more butter and cream, while southern food uses more olive oil. Just get your allergies translated into Italian and write it on a card. You can always show the waiter. This thread from tripadvisor might be useful: Dairy Allergy in Italian...
Of course there are Italians that have dairy allergy. Plenty. The Italian words are: INTOLLERANZA AI LATTICINI (dairy intollerance) or ALLERGIA AI LATTICINI (dairy allergy) (Latticini=dairy products, pronounced Latti-CHIN-ee) Your options are the same as in the US: 1 - Stay away from Wisconsin
2 - Don't eat dairy products. There are soy based (faux dairy) products available in Italy. Soy in Italian is SOIA.