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Luggage storage at Pompeii and Herculaneum

Can you give me an idea of how much it costs for luggage storage at Pompeii and Herculaneum?

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16882 posts

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If you check your luggage at the Pompeii scavi cloakroom, you can do that for free. It does mean walking a bit further with it than checking it at the Circumvesuviana train station (where I believe there's a small cost).

More good info on the excavation:

It appears you can check luggage at Herculanum free of charge as well, although I think the entrance is some distance from the train station. Others, can you confirm?

Cโ€™รจ il deposito bagagli? (Is there a luggage room?)
Si, รจ gratis (yes, it is free for the time of the visit)

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3112 posts

The walk from the Circumvesuviana stop to the free baggage check at Pompeii is pretty short (maybe 200-300 hundred feet or 100 meters). I've used it and the service was great. It's a much longer walk from the Circumvesuviana station to Herculaneum, and I don't remember their being luggage storage at the station (but then I wasn't looking for it).

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16882 posts

Frank, I'm not seeing that there's bag storage at the Ercolano/Herculaneum station either.

Posted by
16 posts

Thanks for the information. Very appreciative. Especially the suggestion from Kathy. Didn't realize that it was showing my info.

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4657 posts

I was in both places with luggage, but in 2002. Some things have changed, as far as storage goes now. But, yes, there is an uphill long block from Herculaneum to the train station.

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16882 posts

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5600 posts

I've never needed to check luggage in at either Pompeii or Herculaneum however if the luggage storage is at the train station that services Herculaneum it's not a long walk to the site (although it is uphill on the way back) even for a grumpy seven year old having a tantrum.

Posted by
225 posts

We trained from Naples Centrale to Pompei. We left our bags at the train station and picked them up on the way back. Cannot remember how much it cost but it was reasonable.