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Flying from US to Rome on AirFrance. Our flight goes from the US to Paris to Rome.
When will we have to go thru customs. In Paris or Rome? Any ideas?

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2207 posts

OH... CDG, Terminal 1 , the round building - I still have flashbacks everytme someone mentions Paris!

Kathleen, if you are just making a connection in Paris and are on a codeshare flight (Say Delta to Alitalia) then your bags will be checked all the way to Rome and you will do Customs at your "point of entry" which is Rome!

If you are not codeshared, that's a whole different ballgame. Check with your airline or booking agent if you're not sure!


Posted by
9109 posts

Technically you will go through the immigration check at CDG. Customs will be in Rome, but usually there aren't any agents on duty-so not a big deal. In my experience, as long as your connecting flight isn't a discount airline one usually can check bags through to your final destination, even if the other airline isn't a partner.

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6 posts

my connection is just a little over 1 hour in paris. worried about missing a flight. didn't notice it when i booked.

Posted by
2207 posts

What airlines are you flying on - perhaps we can determine your options/connection?

Again, it's CDG... I'd be more worried about my luggage making the next flight... did an agent or Airline rep book this for you? Usually they require a 2 hour window for an international connection, even with code-sharing!

Send us some info and perhaps we can provide assistance!

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6 posts

Booked the flight with the NWest Air reservation center on the telephone. They booked the entire flight.
It is NorthWest or Delta to Chicago where it will change to an AirFrance. Then it is AirFrance from Paris and again into Rome.
Have no idea what codeshare is so can't answer that one

Posted by
9109 posts

All of those airlines are part of the Sky Team alliance. So if you do miss your connection it shouldn't be much of a problem getting you on a later flight. But prepare to be flexible as they might have to route you through another city.

Posted by
2207 posts

WOW - that's a heck of a trip.

Michael is exactly right, these are all members of Skyteam. Even though they are codeshare I'd be calling NW now and talking about the connecton time in Paris. The good news is your flying AF into and out of CDG and usually that makes for a good transfer!

Worse case scenario if you call now is that they can give you "next flights out" info for Paris-Rome. In case you get hung up you'll have that info available to you! Also, Alitalia is a member of the Skytime and I've flown the CDG-FCO route with them a few times. So as Michael says there should be plenty of flights available!!

Again, the 1 hour connection for luggage would be my worry. AF & Alitalia lost my luggage in 2006 in Paris with a 1 1/2 hour connection. Took me 4 days to get it - It was not a fun way to start a trip!

Good Luck!

Posted by
7 posts

Thanks for the post, Kathleen. We're flying the same route 5/3... but we're just traveling with carry-ons. Our connection time is also only an hour - both are Air France, as well. When is your flight? Let us know how it turns out.