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Current Weather in Florence

Will be leaving May 5 for 2 weeks in Tuscany. Weather reports I see show cool, rainy weather. Is that accurate for what is happening now? Am trying to decide what clothes to pack.


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1058 posts

Weather in Florence will be just as (un)predictable as it is here. You may have rain and you may not. It’s best to pack in layers so that you can adjust, and then look at the long range forecast a day or so before you leave to get a closer idea of what to expect.

Posted by
38 posts

Thank you Patricia.

Am also hoping to hear from someone who is currently in Florence or Tuscany.

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1025 posts

You know, the Weather Channel gives minute by minute weather reports all over the world. Just sayin'

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16884 posts

Janet, what is happening in Florence now doesn't apply to what it may be like in 2 weeks: forecasts simply can't be accurate that far out. As Tuscany is a region, it's possible to have a shower in one location that will miss another.

Best plan? Pack layers, one of them waterproof. Shed one if it's too warm or put one on if it's too cool.

Currently abt. 66 and partly cloudy in Florence with 12 mph wind. Live cams from Piazza della Signoria and duomo:

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8373 posts

Just go to and put in Florence, IT at the top. You can see the current weather anytime you like. But expect to get olive oil commercials in the margins.
I do this weeks prior to going on any trip so I can watch the weather trends. I also go online and read European newspapers written in English for the main cities I'm visiting.

Posted by
1799 posts

Hi. Living in Florence. We had to dismiss winter coats about 10 days ago, but a lighter rain coat still necessary as it is not very hot. Short rain showers always possible. Forecasts of long showers did not come true; unfortunately, as it was a very dry winter (I have lost my portable umbrella but it was not needed anyway) and I guess we will be short on water during the summer.