Can anyone tell me the current daily ATM withdrawal limit? Does the limit only allow one ATM withdrawal per day or can you make multiple ATM withdrawals in one day but staying at the limit for each withdrawal? Thank you!
The limit is set by your bank, so check with them. If it’s too low, you can ask them if they will raise it. You can make more than one withdrawal per day, but the total must be under your daily limit. The timeframe will be based on your bank also, so depending on the time zone you are in, be aware that you might not be able to make another withdrawal first thing in the morning following a day when you reached your limit.
Also remember to do a rough currency conversion at home before you leave. Will you withdraw 100 Euros or only 200? And check what fees they will be charging. A recent post here also warns about non-bank ATMs in Italy (and elsewhere ... ) offering stealthy suggestions that result in HUGE extra fees by asking you if you want your transaction "in U.S. Dollars". You don't want that.
Our host has travel-money suggestions (top left blue menu.)
Also note that some individual ATMs set a per transaction limit, unrelated to your bank's restrictions. You won't know this until you use the machine. Sometimes you can do another transaction right after the first, but if an ATM isn't working for you, move on to the next. As has been noted, be sure to convert your bank's daily limit into the local currency amount. Also plan ahead if you need to have a set amount for a large transaction (e.g. paying for an AirBnB with cash).
I set a limit of $400 daily with my Credit Union. Since I usually get to the EU 2-3 times a year on business and pleasure, I did this in case my card got compromised at an ATM. Also, Capitol 1 texts me on any unusual charges. Last time this happened was a $1900 charge after DW used her card to get tickets on the Madrid Metro.
Check with your bank and set your own limit!
. . . and sometimes the limit is based on how much cash is left in the machine, just like in the US. Ask for less and you might get it.
I did set a daily limit with my bank. I have to pay a 700 Euro cash security deposit for our accommodations in Sorrento. We visited Italy eight years ago and I vaguely remember that ATM's had a transaction limit which would fall short of the security deposit. I'm trying to figure out if it would be safest to make withdrawals daily for the first two days in Rome before traveling to Sorrento.
If the limit is an ATM limit, then just use another ATM for additional withdrawals up to your bank's limit. There are plenty of ATMs around linked to different banks so they are not interconnected and a limit at one would not prevent you from using another one.
Usually you can do multiple transactions at a single machine. If they only allow you to take 500 euros (as an example) and you need more simply do another transaction.
As mentioned, your bank will set your limit but you can have them change it by going to your branch and requesting it be raised.
Keep it simple -- There are two limits set on withdraw. First, set by the card issuer is the daily limit - it can be anything from a couple hundred to unlimited. Negotiate with your card issuer. That is a max within a 24 hour period that is determined by the local US clock. So you might be able take the max out in the AM in Italy and the max later that PM. It just on when the 24 hours resets.
The second, limit is the single time withdraw set by the local ATM. It is not uncommon to have a max withdraw from a single ATM in the range of 250 euro. As long as you are within your original daily limit you can repeat the withdraw at that ATM or find another.
And if you have a joint account, it is likely that your two ATM cards have different numbers, and that the daily limit applies separately to each card. So for example our Schwab daily limit of $1,000 per card means we can take out $2,000 total if we have a huge lodging bill to pay, which may mean using a couple of ATMs.
Thank you everyone! This information was tremendously helpful!
Another consideration: bring more than one ATM Debit card (linked to separate accounts). We always have traveled with multiple credit cards ("we" being me and my wife). We also each have debit cards linked to separate accounts at different credit unions. For our upcoming trip, because we're headed to "eastern Europe" (often seen by financial institutions as "the wild east") we're going to each take two debit cards, too (each from different credit unions).
I figure it's best to not have all our financial eggs in a singe basket, for reasons ranging from ATM limitations to security.