I know that some locations require that your credit or debit card have an embedded chip. Mine do not. Are these chips required in Italy?
All debit cards at ATMs work fine without a chip. Credit cards without chips can SOMETIMES be a problem at automatic ticket machines, etc. A smaller problem in Italy and a much bigger problem in Northern Europe.
I have a similar question, Carol, so thought I'd include it hereI am thinking of bringing only credit cardsmy primary has no international fees and no ATM fees. Wonder if this is such a good idea, based on the answer you received about chips and debit cards not having any problems. Has anyone else relied solely on a credit card for cash advances and card payments? Thanks.
You do not, repeat DO NOT, want to use a credit card for cash advances. The fees, interest rate, etc., will eat you alive. Very bad idea. Did I make myself clear? Absolutely use a debit card at a bank owned ATM for cash. A credit card should only be used for cash if you have no other alternative and that includes begging on the street. A credit card should only be used for credit purchases. We have gotten to the point that we hardly ever use a credit card. Cash is so much easier and often get a nice discount at hotels.
Frank, I hear youBUT after talking with our credit union last week, they have assured me there are NO cash advance fees, nor international fees of any kind. They're set up for the military, and I trust they're being forthright with me. That said, we plan to use cash as much as possible (food, hotel, etc.) mainly bcs of the discounts and ease of use. CC only for major purchases. Which is why I wondered about taking the debit card. My debit card has fees attached where the CC does not, albeit 1% here and 3% there, whereas it sounds as if the CC does not. Your thoughts?
I confirm that one should only use a credit card in extremes, and never to get cash (they not only charge big conversion fees up to 5%, but also charge interest on that "borrowing" of money from the minute you get it. Fill your debit card fully before you leave and use it to get cash from ATMs and for all restaurant/hotels etc (unless you do get the discount for using cash). The information you got from your credit union is opposite from that which I have gotten from mine and have experienced in many European trips. Call them again and get a different person on the phone!
I'll definitely call the credit union again and pin them down more specifically about fees/interest/cash advances. Thanks again!
Your credit union may have a unique set up. But it would be very unusual for a CREDIT card not to charge a withdrawal fee and substantial interest from the moment of withdraw til you pay the bill. From a credit card viewpoint, a cash advance is a loan until you pay it back. You are using the credit card company's money. With a debit card, it is your money and it is immediately withdrawn from your account. I would raise the question again and make sure you are talking about debit and credit cards.
Mary - please re-read my post just above yours. You really need to confirm if your credit union charges you cash advance INTEREST as soon as you withdraw the cash. That is different than a cash advance FEE. Maybe they don't charge any interest if you pay it back in the next billing cycle, but that means they'd be making cash loans at 0%. I'd love to have a bank like that... And yes, even with such a great deal, you'd still want to bring your ATM/debit card just in case.
"they have assured me there are NO cash advance fees, nor international fees of any kind." The key here may be "no cash advance fees." They most likely do charge interest for the cash advance, how else does the institution make any money? In fact, they'd lose money and go out of business otherwise. But they might not charge any extra "fees" for the cash advance. I'd double check again as others have recommended. And do some math, your ATM card with 1-3% fees will total no more than $30 for every $1000 of withdrawl. That's not much and is far less than any cash advance interest of 15-25%. And ALWAYS bring all the cards even if you don't plan to use them. You never know when you need a backup system.
OK, not sure if I can name names here, but my credit card company, a world-wide federal credit union, has NO annual fee, NO transaction fees, No international fees, NO cash advance fees. My debit card company, also a federal credit union but regional to Texas, charges a 1% fee for conversions and a 1-3% fee per transaction. The debit card has a $500 daily limit, with no option to change that figure. The credit card has a %2500 daily limit (not that I'll need that). Because I plan to pay off whatever I charge on the credit card before payment is due, that money will essentially be interest free. So, my question is, if I have such a wonderful deal on my credit card (and yes, I've tried the pin to access for cash and it worked), should I also take my debit card?
But does the credit union begin charging interest on the cash advance at day one? That is usually the rub.
That is most unusual deal for a credit card but go with it. Far better than your debit card.
I've sent a note to the CU asking about cash advance interest. The even more wonderful thing about this card is it gives cash back (credited to account) for money spentno points (didn't want the hassle) and no gimmicks, just cash. Stay tuned for the answer to the cash advance question. And thanksI will take the debit as a backup (just didn't want to take it if I didn't have to, but from what y'all have said, it's better to have too much backup than too little).
If you take more than one card of any kind, be sure to carry it in a separate place and not in a fanny pack or purse, Rick Steves has a great pouch that you hook on to a belt and tuck inside your clothes, or pin it to the waistband inside if you don't wear a belt. And be sure to email yourself the card numbers so you can access them in europe in case a card gets stolen. Lots of pickpockets and purse snatchers in Italy, even more than in many other countries.
Carol, I too apologize for hijacking your thread. It never occurred to me I'd have such a response. Thanks for being so gracious, and for your help.
OK, I am so bummed! You guys are right! Cash advances begin accruing interest (on credit card) immediately, and there is no grace period like there is on purchases. What a disappointment! Everything else about the card is wonderful, so I'll take it with me--but will rely on my debit card for cash advances. I am so glad you keep "pestering me" to make sure with my bank--if it weren't for your insisting, I would have had a rude awakening when I got home. THANK YOU ALL!!!!! Keep up the good work!!!
@Mary, one more thing, you do realize on a debit card, it is not a 'cash advance'-right? When you use your debit card the money comes directly from your account like writing a check. Don't mean to insult your intelligence, but wanted to ensure you knew the difference and didn't accidentally overdraw your account while overseas.
@Carol, sorry we hijacked your thread and hope your original question was answered to your satisfaction.
Lauri, so sweet; not to worry, my question has been answered and all of us were then able to help a fellow traveler.