Is it necessary to get a credit card with a chip in it or are the ATM's able to read those with the magnetic strip? I am hearing different stories. Also, should I bring one credit card or have two in case one is lost or stolen?
Hi Karen, You do not want to use a CREDIT card to get cash. Read the rules for cash withdrawals on your card's contract. You will pay a huge amount of interest. For cash withdrawals at a machine, you want to use a DEBIT card.
I just returned from a 33 day trip to Europe. I had a chip and pin card that I never used. My regular card that I get reward points for worked fine. But I pay cash for most all transactions.
Karen, there are several places where the machines take only chip and pin credit cards. Gas stations, ticket machines but not ATMs. The ATMs are different and still accept your magnetic strip ATM/debit cards. In shops, hotels, gas stations or restaurants, you can still us your magnetic strip credit cards. Workers carry wireless PDAs or use credit card devices that accept either the chip and pin or magnetic strip credit card. You won't have a problem. As mentioned above, don't use your credit card to withdraw cash. With and ATM card, you are withdrawing your own money. With a credit card, you are borrowing from the bank. Use the ATM card. Also, bring 2 different ATM/debit cards and 2 different credit cards. First, there are often limits on ATM withdrawls. With 2 ATM cards, you can get more cash. Secondly, one card may get blocked by your bank. If its the only one you have, you could have difficulty getting cash. Notify your banks about your Europe travel. You don't have to use all of your ATM and credit cards. You have them in case you need them. Keep them safe.