Are there any suggestions for the safest way to send credit card info to hotels in Italy?
Are there any suggestions for the safest way to send credit card info to hotels in Italy?
Martha, you are going to find that many hotels in Italy want you to send your credit card information in an email to them. I've done it rarely with no negative results. It's really a bit scary when you really don't know the person on the other end but so far, it's worked out OK.
Sending cc info ahead to secure a reservation is not really much of a problem. Any time you use your cc anywhere that involves people, it is possible for the number to be taken and used. However, if that happens, the bank won't hold you liable for more than $50; and most won't even do that. They'll close the account and you'll get a new card in a matter of days. A real problem would be the compromise of your card while you are traveling. You still wouldn't be liable for illicit charges, but it might be difficult to get a replacement card until you return home. For that reason, we always carry at least two different cards. Do I need to add that it's a good idea to check your accounts regularly?
You could always send half the info in one email and half in another, but I agree that you're taking a bigger risk when you hand your credit card to a clerk or waiter.
The safest way is via the internet. We have done it dozens of times with no problems. Actually the transmission of the cc number is very secure. The security risk occurs when the hotel has the number and how they handle the number. Since that is the risk, it makes no difference how the hotel gets the number - two transmissions, telephone, fax, etc.