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Covid Testing in Florence

Italy COVID rules are changing fast, but my group is returning to USA from Florence on 25-JUL-2021. As of now, we need COVID test in the 3 days before our departing flight.
I've read the Italian Red Cross is doing free rapid testing (with printed results) at major train stations, including Santa Maria Novella.
Can anyone on the ground in Florence confirm that:
1. testing is still happening there
2. is readily available to tourists
3. how long is the line/wait for testing on average


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16348 posts

You can do it also in any of the pharmacies listed below. (Look for Firenze in the COMUNE column).
I don’t know if they charge non residents in Italy, but I think the cost is only 20€, or at least that is what they charge at the Florence airport.

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Thanks for the info. I also just heard from a friend who contacted Italian Red Cross...

From: CRI Tamponi Firenze Maria Novella [email protected]
Date: June 21, 2021 at 3:45:42 AM EDT
Subject: Re: Covid test results utente,
a seguito dell'effettuazione del tampone antigenico presso la nostra postazione viene rilasciata un'attestazione di esito bilingue (italiano ed inglese), con validità di 48h dall'esecuzione del test, sia in forma cartacea (con timbro e firma del medico presente in tenda) che in forma digitale, tramite invio all'indirizzo e-mail personale eventualmente comunicato dall'utente in luogo di registrazione anagrafica preliminare.

Per maggiori dettagli ed aggiornamenti sul servizio Le suggeriamo di consultare la nostra pagina dedicata
Restiamo a costante disposizione per qualsiasi ulteriore informazione


Just in case your Italian is still too rough…??
Dear user,
following the carrying out of the antigenic swab at our station, a bilingual (Italian and English) certificate of outcome is issued, valid for 48 hours from the execution of the test, both in paper form (with stamp and signature of the doctor present in the tent ) and in digital form, by sending to the personal e-mail address possibly communicated by the user in place of preliminary personal data registration.

For more details and updates on the service, we suggest you consult our dedicated page
We remain at your constant disposal for any further information.
Thank you