My husband and I are leaving tomorrow for a whirlwind driving tour of Italy. We are trying to fit everything into carry ons, so I have a few clothes questions... Of the following places, which will require my husband to wear pants? Venice, Pisa, Lucca, Florence, Rome(Vatican City)....... We have a tour of the Vatican booked, so I am guessing there for sure? What about Venice, St.Marks? We plan on staying in San Gimignamo and visiting Volterra also. I have shorts also, is it ok for women to wear them? Mine are longer, no shortie shorts! Any tips?
sandi, As you'll be driving, I'm assuming you've obtained an International Driver's Permit, which is compulsory in Italy? Also, I noticed that Florence was on your list. You'll need to be VERY careful to avoid the ZTL areas. There have been a few recent posts here from people that have received expensive violation notices for passing through the automated Cameras there. Happy travels!
In churches/cathedrals cover knees and shoulders. Those long "shorts" that come below the knees are probably ok.
What Swan said. Knees and shoulders need to be covered. If your "long shorts" show your knees, you are likely to be turned away. I often wore a scarf loosely - if needed, it could be used to cover shoulders. At St Peters, I saw a couple turned away because the man was wearing shorts. They were long, but stopped above the knees. Have a great trip. I loved Italy.
Sandi, it has to do with respect for places of worship (and for those who are there for worship). So anywhere you want to visit churches, having knees and shoulders/upper arms covered is wise and courteous... for both men and women. At major basillicas, it is typically required. Enjoy your visit!
I'd second Ken's thoughts on the IDP and driving in Florence... and looking at your agenda, ask why do you need a car? There's no need for a car in Venice, Florence, or Rome. Lucca is a walled-city with limited car traffic inside the walls, and Pisa has many, many ZTL's. A car would be great to drive in the Pisa, Lucca, Florence countryside... but really your routing - being only in larger cities as per your agenda - may be better served if you traveled by train? I imagine it may be too late to make that change but be prepared for the ZTL's, the high cost and accessibility of parking in central locations, and of course, gas at $8.50+ per gallon. A car can be a liability if you plan on staying in the centro area of some of these towns. Good Luck!