First, the Galleria Borghese: My reservation time states 11 am - 13 pm. How long am I actually inside? Is it the whole two hours? And I do arrive at 10:30? Now, the Doge's Secret Tour:
Can I wait to make this reservation once I'm in Venice? (I'll be there for 4 days) Thanks
Re the Borghese, definitely arrive at least 15 minutes early or they may give away your reservation. If you are taking public transportation (especially the metro), give yourself extra time as it can be a little tricky to find the museum in the large park. The reservation time means you can be in there from 11am to 1pm (i.e., 13:00). You cannot enter before 11am and they will evict you at 1pm. They start making announcements about 15 minutes before your time is up, as I recall. The first time I visited the museum, I spent the entire 2 hours there, the second time I was a bit faster and we left after about 90 minutes. The amount of time you take is dependent on how long you like to stop and look at the artwork, up to the 2 hour maximum.
Liz is right. Allow plenty of time to get to the museum. It is buried in the park - which is lovely. But once you get off the bus or metro, allow a good 20-30 minutes to hoof it in and find your way. And yes, it is good to arrive at 10:30. That said, you will probably love it. The Bernini statuary/sculptures are stunning. It is one of my favorite museums. Do rent the audio tour.
I can't comment on the Doge's Tour reservation. We reserved in advance stateside and it was very worthwhile.
You must arrive at least a half hour early for the Borghese gallery. At 30 minutes before entry time they start giving away unclaimed reservations. If you arrive at 15 minutes before you run the risk of not having a reservation. Also this allows you plenty of time to check your bags. They don't allow any bags inside and the line gets very long right before they open the doors. I would get there about 45 minutes early to get checked in, check my bags and look around the gift shop. Donna
The museum is a frisbee throw from (and visible from) a busy street, via Pinciana. I had the same entry hours. I got to pz Popolo somehow and bought pastry and juice from some random vendor. I walked it up the steps to the Pincio and ate picnic breakfast with the best free panoramic view of Rome. Then a 1/2 mile stroll (no hills) though the park, and I arrived at the museum in plenty of time. Or you could cab to the via Pinciana gate and eat on whatever bench or lawn in the park you like.
Once inside, take Rick's advice and go to the painting area first (upstairs) you can save some time. Everyone else will be starting in the sculpture gallery. Re: Secret Itineraries Tour - make them in advance. Don't forget to specifiy that you want the English speaking tour.
Thanks, all.