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Cost of taxi from Termini to Campo de Fiori?

Can anyone give me the approximate cost of a taxi from Termini to the Campo de Fiori? Grazie!

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7737 posts

Probably about eight euros, if memory serves. Ask the driver first to confirm. And only take the taxis lines up at one of the taxi stand outside Termini.

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466 posts

I paid 12 euros. Don't listen to the cab drivers that want to charge you 30 euros as they are scammers.

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42 posts

Try using I plugged it in and it said just under 10 euro. Make sure to get a cab in the front near the busses- the guys on the side facing the McDonalds can be scammers.

Posted by
792 posts

Jill, thanks for that website reference. That's useful!

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10344 posts

I didn't even know they HAD a Camp in Rome (see subject line of this topic).

Posted by
55 posts

Funny, Kent!

John, just remember that the meter changes depending on what time of day you are talking about. Before 10pm you should get the day rate, which starts at 2.80 euros. After 10pm and on Sundays, the rate starts at 5.80. Also, trips from the Termini train station are 2 euros extra, and bags that you put in the trunk are about 1 euro apiece.

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1170 posts

You can count on about 12 Euro...if you are not taken the "looooong" way to get there...that is definitely something to watch for because those Roman cab drivers will try to pad their wallets. It helps if you have reviewed Google Maps to get a general feel for the layout of the city.

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11846 posts

Arrived here in Rome on Tuesday. Our cab to a location 3 "blocks" from Campo dei Fiori was 13 euro. Driver disclosed as we entered that there was a 2 euro add-on for starting at Termini (I believe Rick's book mentions that) and 2 euros for the two bags we put in the trunk. (He did not upcharge us for our daypacks.) So a 9E ride was 13E -- A fair value for not lugging baggage on a bus or walking 25 minutes. Alas, we leave tomorrow!!!

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11846 posts

There is no Metro at Largo di Torre Argentina. Maybe in 2015, but not now. You can get to the Colosseo Metro stop from Termini, but it is still a 20-25 minute walk with luggage to Campo dei Fiori. You can however visit the Cat Sanctuary at Largo di Torre Argentina, and catch busses and the tram to Trastevere.

Posted by
28 posts

Paul - Which bus did you take from Termini to Largo Argentina? Thanks!