I need information, please, as to how much the Amafi bus tour from Sorrento (the jaw dropping scenic tour) costs and how long it lasts round trip. Also, would we stay on the bus or do they drop us off and then later would we need to reboard, as I might need to factor in that time as well. Thanks, Ruth
You can buy a 24 hour bus pass for 7.50€. The schedule is easily obtained in Sorrento at the TI in the Foreigner's Club, but here is the SITA buss schedule http://www.sitabus.it/sitabus/campania/orarioCAMPANIA/QUADROXV.pdf online.
You can buy the bus pass from the candy store ( like 7/11) in the train station of Sorrento. It was 7,30E last April. It will be good for one day.
Thank you Laurel and Rick.
Don't remember how many stops for passengers on the way but our bus did stop for 15 minutes or so at a spot overlooking Positano and we all got out for photo ops. When you reach Amalfi you must get off and reboard when you want to return. There are some interesting sights in Amalfi so you will have something interesting to do in the time between buses.
The SITA bus is great! It stops in Positano, Amalfi & many other small towns along the coast. Also up to Ravello. I believe the bus runs every hour or so but, the schedule is reduced on Sunday. So, you could get off to explore & reboard. It is about 1.2h from Sorrento to Positano. 1h from Positano to Amalfi. 25m one way from Amalfi to Ravello. 1.2h from Amalfi to Salerno. You could easily take the train from Salerno to Napoli in... 50 min? have fun :)