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Cortona to Venice transportation options

6 adults traveling from Cortona to Venice. Train is 71 euros each. Any one have a better suggestion? Would love to hire a van service but can't seem to find any online.

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492 posts

Second class fares are only 50.40 and depending on when you are traveling, you may be able to get the MINI fares. That drive is nice, but it can take 6 hours plus depending on traffic and where you hit the traffic. When we did that drive we got stuck near Bologna for over an hour because of traffic in that area. I can't imagine that 8 hours of a car service (4 hours each way minimum) would be less than 300 to 500 euros. If we ever do that route agin, we'd take the train.

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251 posts

As far as other options, you could train/bus to Florence, then see if there is a cheaper bus to Venice from Florence (I'm not sure off the top of my head). That could be a cheaper option, but with a larger group like that, I'd just hop on the train so you wouldn't have to worry about directions, getting/turning in a van, a cramped bus, etc. Pricey, yes, but still efficient.

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4152 posts

If you book tickets from Cortona to Florence and then another ticket from Florence to Venice you can qualify for the mini fares and save even more money. With the mini fare you can get tickets from Florence to Venice for as low as 34 euros and then another 7 euros from Cortona to Florence. This is a big savings. There is no need to book first class seats for this trip and you can get the second class seats for 50.40. A car service will cost you several hundreds of euros. Donna