Is it easier to take trains from Cinque Terra- Corniglia- to Venice or try and fly? Does anyone know what trains and where to change if going strictly by train is recommended?
Any info is greatly appreciated.
Flying from Corniglia to Venice is not even an option. You need to take a train. Visit the website below: enter: from: Corniglia To: Venezia Santa Lucia Date: choose a date this week. Time: enter the approx. time of departure. There will be several options. Some via Genoa-Milan. Others via La Spezia-Pisa-Florence.
Choose the one that is best for you.
Melissa, As Roberto indicated, you won't be able to fly from Corniglia to Venice, nor would it be cost effective to do so. Travel by train is the best option, although that's going to be about a six hour trip. The trips via Milano Centrale will take slightly longer, but usually fewer changes. The trips via La Spezia, Pisa and Firenze slightly shorter but more changes. The trip that I'd use is a departure from Corniglia at 10:21, arriving Venezia S. Lucia at 16:40 (time 6H:19M, two changes at Monterosso and Milano Centrale, reservations compulsory on two legs, current fare as low as €64.10). While that's about half an hour longer than some of the others, it only has two changes and the layovers at Monterosso and Milano are fairly short. I normally like to have breakfast in the area that I'm leaving, as I've usually paid for it. I don't like to arrive in a new location too early, as the rooms may not be serviced yet. If you'd prefer to arrive in Venice earlier, there are lots of other departures. Note that the first segment is via Regionale, so DON'T forget to validate (although it's only an 8 minute trip). The last two segments will have compulsory reservations, which will be included with the tickets. When you arrive in Venice, be sure to wait until you go over the causeway to Venezia S. Lucia to disembark. DON'T leave the train at Venezia Mestre. When you walk out the front doors of the station, you'll see the Grand Canal and can take a Vaporetto to the area of your hotel. Happy travels!
Melissa, you will have a 5.5hr-6hr train ride with 2-3 train changes to get from Corniglia to Venice. Flying is not really an option as the airports are at least 2hrs away by train. You can see the Florence/Corniglia and the Corniglia/Venice train runs as easily as we can on Since Trenitalia is a bit weird, just don't put in a date beyond June 8 at this time. Pick an early time of day such as 04 or 05. The runs for the day will begin to appear 10 at a time. You can click the button to see later trains. If you pick a date that is 2-3 days from now, you will see the fares for the Regionale trains from Florence to the CT that you will ride. You won't be able to buy tickets for an all Regionale-train run more than 7 days out from the time of travel.
Thank you all for the help. I booked tickets this morning heading out at 10:21and arriving at 16:40 in Venice. I always get nervous doing this for the whole family- 7 of us- but it worked out fine. Thanks for the detailed help.