Hi, we just returned from 17 days in Italy and I took lots of pictures. Now I am compiling a log, however, I realized that the one thing I didn't photograph was the outside of our hotels. Can anyone suggest a source for high resolution, copyright free images of the following hotels? Star Metropole hotel - Rome, Olimpia - Venice, La Scaletta hotel - Florence and the Plaza hotel in Catania. Any help would be appreciated. Tom
I would suggest just googling the hotels and looking at images in your browser. There should be some of your hotels. Some images will be high resolution and others not (and the definition depends on who you are.) While the images are unlikely to say whether they are copyright free or not, my question is "what is your use?" are you planning to publish them or make a profit on them?
Thanks for your response. I would like to produce an apple photo book for family use only. I have no intention of selling it (not that anyone would buy it in the first place). I have found lots of photos, but, if there was a source of copyright free images it would make things simpler. Thanks. Tom
For something like a photo book which will only be seen by a few people and with no commercial purpose, I'm not sure how much of an issue copyright would be? There are lots of photos on the net. If you're really concerned about the copyright issue, you could contact the hotel as they may be willing to forward a copy.
As Ken said, if it's for a personal photo book that will not be published for public use, I wouldn't worry about it. The issue will be finding high-res shots for printed reproduction as most on the net are too small for a large frame. Then again, maybe you can design it so a small image would be just fine.
Tripadvisor and other sites solicit photos of accommodations from users, I don't think you would have a problem with using photos for an album.
As stated above. For personal use, I don't think copyright is much of an issue......which is why I asked the question.