I wanted to get tickets for the Domus Aurea. I was having problems with it accepting my credit card, so I called the office. They said that tickets for November weren't being sold until the first of August. But on the website when I scroll to the calendar, it shows November and the number of spots available, and several are gone. Wondering if they sell early to private groups, or if I should try calling again another day to see if I get a different answer. It explains the credit card problems, but I'd hate to miss the chance to see this. Has anyone experienced anything like this so I can stop thinking about it for the next month?
If you got all the way to the payment page (only to have your card rejected), that suggests the tickets are being sold, at least online. Maybe the agent meant they do not do phone sales until August?
Just guessing here. I do not recall how far in advance we bought our tickets for October 2015, but I had no trouble with my credit card.
Did you notify your card company first?
You could try submitting payment through PayPal.
Definitely worth going to see. You'll love the hard hats, very stylish.
Here's an update. Last night I tried card #1 several times and it wouldn't go through, and I did think to put a travel notice on it. I tried card #2 as well (no travel notice) and nothing worked. There were plenty of tickets for my day, but since the visit comes so highly recommended -and I think hard hats could be my thing :-) - I didn't want to wait another month in case a large group buys everything up. This morning, I tried again with card #2 (still no travel notice) and it worked! Not sure what the difference was, but may need to call card #1 people and make sure there won't be a problem.
Bottom line is don't give up. Maybe the computers just needed to rest a day. So now I only have to stress about getting that Borghese ticket since they don't have a date that they'll be released. At least I know which card to use, and thanks to you both for the fast reply.
Glad that worked out! By any chance, is card #2 an AmEx? That is the card that has recently been working for online tickets when others would not.
Both visas actually. It should have been easy.
I reserved tickets through Ticket Italy a couple of months ago for October 2017. They weren't available then but Ticket Italy put us in line for two tickets. Just last week I received our confirmed vouchers for an early October spot. I used visa without any problems. November tickets may not be available on line yet but you could try another vendor? Good luck.
I reserved tickets through Ticket Italy a couple of months ago for October 2017. They weren't available then but Ticket Italy put us in line for two tickets. Just last week I received our confirmed vouchers for an early October spot. I used visa without any problems. November tickets may not be available on line yet but you could try another vendor? Good luck.
On the official site, ticketone.it, the Borghese tickets cost 15 € per adult. How much did you pay on Ticket Italy? How do you know you can trust them?
KKC, is your card part of "Verified by Visa" security program for on-line purchases? If not I guess that was the problem.