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Coopculture Colosseum Tickets Not Working - Any Alternatives?

Hi all,

I have tried to book Colosseum tickets on coopculture multiple times, with two different cards and keep getting a refused message. I've tried deleting cache and using different browsers and it still doesn't work. I get through the whole process, selecting dates, putting in card information and an added text security code and then get a red "negata" message and "error in processing payment". I contacted my credit card company and they said it is not being blocked on their end so it's a problem with the vendor. It's hard to believe they can't get their process to work better when we're talking about the most popular sight in Italy. I've booked every other ticket in Italy with my card and no problems. Is anyone else experiencing this? What have others done in this situation? Is there another place I can get tickets for the Colosseum and S.U.P.E.R. sights? I'm looking for just the tickets, not a guided tour or host. Thanks for any help.


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3812 posts

You need a Verified-by-Visa credit card.

I.e. You need to call your cc company, bypass the first person answering the phone and ask to speak with the fraud prevention department. The Master Card version is called, if I am not wrong, MasterSecurCode.

The problem with these second layer security protocols required by the EU is that the blocks are erratic and that most employees in US know nothing about them.

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60 posts

Still not working. I called cc company and they basically said I need to phone or email coopculture which is a real pain in the rear. I don't think I can even call with my phone plan so that's out of the question. I just sent off an email but who knows how long it will take to get back and the available time slots will slowly disappear.

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3812 posts

I called cc company

Did you tell them you are trying to make a purchase on an EU site that uses the Verified by Visa security protocol? Because if you told them so and they suggested to contact the vendor it's obvious they know nothing about how verified-by-visa works!

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423 posts

I used coopculture to buy tickets last month with no problem. Do you have a mastercard or Amex to try with?

It could be a network issue, or your browser security settings could be blocking a pop up, it could be that a required cookie is being blocked. It could be any number of things. Did you try it on mobile?

Posted by
60 posts

I did tell them about verified by visa and they said it's a second layer of security that includes a texted code which I have to input. Maybe this isn't verified by visa? I did go through that second layer though. After putting in credit card info on unicredit a window pops up from capital one and visa requiring a texted code. I get the text and put it in and it is then that the refused comes up. I called the cc company three times and on the third time I mentioned being transfered to fraud department and the verified by visa and they just said it isn't necessary or the problem. Why now when I booked borghese, vatican, louvre, orsay, everything no problem. I did try once on mobile but I can try again. I'll try on a different computer as well. I don't know about popup blockers or anything like that. I wish i didn't need a computer science degree to book colosseum tickets. I'll look into the paypal as well. Thanks for the input all. I'll post again if anything works.

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60 posts

Yeah, still no go. Tried different computer. Don't have any other cards to try. I guess I'll have to book a tour with The Roman Guy or try some other ticket website other than the official.

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3812 posts

Maybe this isn't verified by visa?

No, you described one of the ways the verified by visa protocol works: a temporary password sent to a different device. If I were you I'd wait a couple of days and try again. If it's a Coopculture problem the forum will be inundated with similar messages and they will realize something is not working.

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150 posts

I called this number several years ago when I booked my tour for the Vatican Museum, 1-800-654-9214. It is the phone number for the Visa Fraudulent Prevention Department but I am not sure if it is still valid.

Posted by
60 posts

Ok, so. I couldn't get it to work with my card on any of my apple devices but I had my wife try at work with her windows computer and her card and it worked. Got the tickets! It must be something with the computer settings/security or whatever. I'm not a computer scientist. Thanks for the responses and help though :)