Has anyone got recommendations on a cooking school in Italy? Preferably Central or Northern Italy, could be urban or rural. One week courses with accommodations would be ideal. Thanks.
Mama Isa’s in Padova is a good possibility: https://isacookinpadua.altervista.org/six-day-cooking-classes.html
Check out this video of Alex visiting a famous cooking school
In fact, check out the entire Alex series, she's like a livelier Stanley Tucci (as well as a woman) but covers much of the same turf
I Seco d Mamaisa in Padua..have had fun with her twice!!
Does anyone know of a good one in Liguria? We will be spending a week in that region in late May-early June and would love to take some new skills home with us.
Check out beautifulliguria.com
I had a wonderful class through them in 2019...