Anyone have any suggestions for a place to take a day class in November? Just want some casual fun, and learn the art of Italian dishes!
I would highly recommend this cooking class.
I was one of a group of five and we had a fantastic time and learned so much. The day started with meeting everyone for coffee in Cortona and planning the menu, then Shirley took us shopping at the market, butcher, and grocery. Then off we went to her beautiful home for a marathon cooking day. The food was wonderful. I highly recommend Shirley's cooking class.
Last July I was in Tuscany and the weather wasn't so good so I decided for a tuscan cooking class, a quick web search led to Arianna & friends (they had great reviews), they are in the pisan chianti. The where abosolutely fabulous, very entertaining, passionate and professional. You can find them here . You can tell me later..