We will be based on Perugia and Siena for 9 days in early May. We would prefer a half day cooking class either in Siena, Perugia or maybe one of the nearby hilltowns that are accessible by public transportation. We would also be open to a full day class. We have seen some recommendations on this board but are looking for some others. Thanks.
We did this while in Siena: http://onewww.sienacookingculture.com/cooking_courses.htm [email protected] Elisabetta was wonderful. We had a great time/dinner
dont waste your time with a cooking class--just watch molto mario (mario batali) its better than any cooking class you can take---
I would do the cooking class. You're in Italy and what better way to bring back a memory then by trying to duplicate what you ate while there. It sounds like fun and a good way to meet people of like mind.
If you are rolling out pasta or forming a bread, knowing what the dough should feel like is so important. It never seems to be exactly 2 cups flour, 2 eggs, etc... Besides, it was one of the most delicious meals we had, and it was a blast. Watching TV doesn't quite stack up, sorry.
trust me it stacks up! making pasta dough is simple add flour and small amounts of liquid until the dough takes shape--don't waste your valuable vacation learning to cook---if you watch a cooking show its all the instruction you need! and if you watch Mario Batali cook (molto mario) its better than any cooking lesson you will get in tuscany
i agree with sethi too watch molto mario and think that cooking schools are a huge waste of time and money! why pay for something when you can watch better instruction from a better chef on TVitalian food is easy to make anyways!!!! instead drink wine and go out to eat!
Thanks for all the input. Believe me, i've weighed the whole "is it worth it" issue and have had the thought that if i had the recipes as long as i had fresh quality ingredients i can make a great Italian dinner as well. I'm also not convinced i want to make my own pasta and bread. I just don't have the time. If anything i'd make pasta sheets. I was hoping to learn about some Italian segundi dishes, proteins rather than just pasta. This is why i'm looking for a half-day class. I also don't want to spend a whole day on a cooking class and not have that day to actually be out and about in one of the hilltowns. Thanks again.