ciao OMG I am so confusedVille hadrian and Villa d'este are they both do-able in one day from Rome? TOGETHER??? The bus schedule looks crazy-should we rent a car for the day? I checked out Ron in Rome and RS but I am still confused?
thanks all
Did you read all that Ron in Rome had to say about those two locations? If so, you read this in his piece about Villa d'Este: " If you'd like to also see Villa Adriana, it's a short bus ride away."
yes-read it all------so they are 2 different in 2 different locations--------but one day is good to see both?? thanks
A half day at each and train back to Rome. I don't see how you can be confused given the great detail of RonInRome directions. He counts the steps for you from one point to another.
At the risk of sounding sarcastic, may I suggest that you might also try looking at a map? I say that because you seemed surprised that they are two sites.
yes yes yes----------i had a senior moment------confusion comes and goes--------i have a grip on it all now