I just received a confirmation email for Scavi tour (BTW in less than 24hr after my request email). Then I re-read RS Italy 2014 and got confused. He seems to imply the Scavi and Necropolis tours are one and the same, when I thought they weren't. I thought I was confirmed for the tour of St Peters tomb under the basilica (the "hard to get" book only by email tour). What is the Necropolis tour and where is it? The Vatican site is very confusing about the Necropolis and suggests it's under a parking lot. Is it a good tour?
Can anyone enlighten me? The more info the better. Also -- my tour is at 9am. Can I get onto the basilica line-free when it first opens then go to the Scavi at 9? {edit} PS Maybe I should have added this to the earlier today post but I just saw it after posting , and I'm still confused.
If you booked your tour by e-mail or fax only, directly through the Excavations Office (and you don't see the words "Via Triumphalis" on your tour confirmation), then you are booked for the original 'Scavi' tour - the one that goes under the Basilica and ends there.
The other tour - the "Necropolis of the Via Triumphalis" is another excavation, very well presented from what I could tell, that is accessed through the Vatican Gardens. That one does not go to the necropolis under the Basilica, where St. Peter's tomb is purported to have been. It is booked directly online, on the Vatican website. It looks that it only books about 60 days or less in advance. This one can also be booked with a combination visit to the Gardens or to the Museums.
Now that there are two, we have to be careful to be clear as to which we are talking about. We should be careful to avoid using 'Scavi' and 'Necropolis' interchangeably or slashed (like 'Scavi/Necropolis'), as the two are very distinct.
The Scavi tour does not earn you any special entry into the Basilica. You would have to wait in the regular line although it may be shorter if you get there right when it opens.
The Scavi tour spits you out at the end so that you must walk by the entrance to St Peter's Basilica in order to exit. the Basilica steps will be on your left as you walk toward the exit. Simply make a left turn up the steps and go into the Basilica. You will bypass the hordes of people in line waiting to enter the St. Peters. This is not an official perk of taking the Scavi Tour even though it turns out that way.
Thanks, all. You've answered both of my questions wonderfully.
When I took the Scavi tour, our guide allowed us to pass straight into the Popes' tombs area after our tour, so we by-passed the exit alltogether.
Both tours are of a necropolis. They are different, however, different tours. The Via triumphalis tour is not referred to as a scavi tour, it's referred to as the necropolis tour or the Via Triumphalis tour. This tour can be booked online at the Vatican booking site. You get to pick your date and time for the tour you wish. You don't get any email confirmation and request for payment when you book this tour, you get an email "ticket" which you take with you. This tour is an excavation under a parking lot but is a wonderful tour.
The scavi tour is the tour under the basilica. This one can only be booked by fax or email. This is the tour that is very hard to get on. With this tour you'll get a confirmation email and request for payment if they have a slot for you. They will tell you the time and date of your tour, you don't really get to choose. No one under 15 can take this tour.
If you booked the necropolis tour your tour will end in the museums. You would need to stand in the security line for the basilica. IF you booked the scavi tour under St. Peter's you will have access to the basilica after the tour without waiting in the line.