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Confused About Purchasing Regional Tickets Online with Global Eurail Pass

Part of our upcoming trip to Europe in September is to Italy. We have never used the trains before. We purchased 7-day Global Eurail Passes and I have most of the train trips booked with as many Seat Reservations as I could for the various trains and have recorded them in the Rail Planner app. I have read that it is good to get tickets ahead of time even when no Seat Reservations are needed. For one Journey in one of our day Trips, I was concerned about getting seats on a regional train, so I purchased tickets with a credit card because I could not find a way to use the Global Eurail Pass. I have several similar situations that I have not yet addressed because I want to find out if there is a better way to handle these Journeys without having to double pay, so to speak.

Is there a way to get tickets online ahead of time using the Global Eurail Pass for other regional trains where no Seat Reservations are required but desire to assure there will be room on the regional trains? Or do we have to wait till we are physically at the train station and just see if there is room? If we do end up purchasing tickets from one of the machines, is there a way to enter our Global Pass code to effectively get the tickets with it? Any help with this is greatly appreciated! Thank you!

Linda B

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