I am so frustrated. It appears that I can book the colosseum underground/3rd ring tour online in english for May 31st or June 1st. It says that it is opened for booking through June 30th, however, in another paragraph, it says open for booking on April 18th at 1 pm for months of June and July. I have tried to check for multiple dates in May and can't get anything to come up but April dates appear so I don't think everything is booked. I don't speak Italian and was hoping to not have to call like we did last year. I was so happy to see that online booking was now available but now frustrated that I can't seem to get anything to work. Anyone know what is going on or if i am doing something wrong?
Don't stress. Just keep checking every day or two until the tickets come online. Nothing unusual for the website to say one thing and do another!
Are you using this site?
All dates in May that I clicked on show as completely booked but I'd keep trying in case it's a fluke. Online reservations for June 1 open at 1:00 PM (Rome time) on April 18th so if they continue to show as booked for the 31st, I'd get right on it at whatever time that is where you live. Or get up very early in the morning (9:00 AM Rome time) and try to do it over the phone. Or bite the bullet and call them now to see if you can get in on the 31st. I'm guessing they handle a lot of English-speaking customers so will have someone on the other end who is reasonably fluent.
The dates for May have not been released yet, the website is in error. The tours for May and June will be released around April 18th so just keep checking. The site has had this error up for a few weeks now. Don't worry as you'll be able to book soon.
DOH!. It's correct on the Italian but wrong on the English version of the site. Badly translated:
"Saturday, April 18 from 13.00: opening of the Colosseum Underground bookings for May / June 2015
Saturday, April 18, at the opening of bookings for tours and entrance shifts for the months of May and June 2015, the booking office will be open exceptionally until 17.00.
It will be possible to book visits individual also online on the website www.coopculture.it, starting at 13:00 on Saturday 18th April.
Any bookings made online prior to 13.00 will not be accepted.
The shifts of access groups will be booked only call center."
So bookings on April 18 open up for May and June and not June and July.
Ummm.... didn't I just report that? It's a glitch on their site. It's been this way for a few weeks. They release tickets in two month blocks so the next set will be May/June then July/August then September/October and finally November/December. All of those tickets will be released about mid month of the month before. It's been this way since the beginning of the year.
I understand the confusion but it's nothing to worry about. This system has worked well so far. No one who has purchased when the tickets have become available has not been able to get the time and date they've wanted. It's only when you wait until a few days prior that you may run into issues.
You'll be able to book these online in just over a week. They will have all time slots available so you can start planning your day around when you wish to take the tour.
Thank you so much. I appreciate the responses. I will get online on april 18th, 1 pm, Roman time. I thought there was a problem and I did try to read the Italian side of it but was not patient enough to try to translate it. :)
Yes, you said it was a glitch Donna, but not that the verbiage was different on the Italian version.